A Promised Land

June 1, 2018

“Thomas said to him, Lord, we do not know where you go; how can we know the way? Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. - John 14:5-6

The pattern we see in scripture is one of God leading those who have faith in God. Every important event in scripture is 100% God leading people who seem at best to have no more than a fuzzy idea about where they are even going.

Noah didn’t know where they would end up when God told him to build and board the ark.

God called Abraham to follow Him “to a land that I will show you” - Genesis 12

God led the Israelites out of Egypt to a land they had never seen before along a path they had never traveled. God was a pillar of fire to lead them at night and a cloud by day.

God picked leaders like Joshua, Samuel, and King David (?)

God wrote the plans for the temple, gave the law and commands, and brought judgement or captivity on the people of Israel.

In the New Testament, God used visions, angels, and signs to teach the church about the salvation of the gentiles.

God picked and led the first missionaries like Paul and Philip even doing things like physically transporting them to where he wanted them.

I could go on, but the point is that God is always the one leading because He is God. Someone has to lead, someone has to initiate, someone has to love first.

We should have faith in God that he is still leading us today. A personal relationship means it’s personal. Salvation isn’t a cookie-cutter registration for everyone.

It’s unique to your sins, your struggles, your needs, your words. It’s a personal relationship.

But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. - Luke 12:31-32

If God directed all of human history, every movement and word of his son, and so many people’s lives even after Christ, why would he suddenly stop because it’s the 21st century?

Did God change? Are we too sinful for God to speak to and lead us?

“Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. - John 14:23